What is Delve?
Delve is qualitative data analysis software with an intuitive interface and AI-assisted features. It’s a simple to use, collaborative online qualitative analysis tool that allows you to find rigorous, human insights quickly.
Whether you're writing a dissertation or conducting extensive research projects, Delve ensures seamless organization and efficient analysis of qualitative data, while maintaining the essential human touch in deriving meaningful conclusions.

How can AI help with my qualitative analysis?
AI can be a powerful tool for analyzing data, but it cannot construct meaning the way you (a human researcher) can. Delve offers a variety of AI features that can act as your assistant. If you’re coding deductively, you can use the “Apply Codes with AI” feature. And when you’re doing further rounds of coding, you can use “AI Chat” to help explore your data and suggest new subcodes.
Thematic Analysis Software and More
Use this online qualitative research software to analyze qualitative data from various methodologies such as:
Thematic Analysis: Organize recurring themes in your data
Grounded Theory: Build theories based on empirical data
Content Analysis: Analyze text data for patterns
Narrative Analysis: Study stories or accounts to understand experiences
Discourse Analysis: Analyze communication and language use
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: Explore how people make sense of their experiences
Semi-Structured Interview and Focus Group Analysis: Use flexible interviews to gather detailed insights
Mixed Methods: Combine qualitative and quantitative research methods
What if I'm new to qualitative coding?
Don’t worry. We provide resources that will help you learn qualitative analysis.
We know that qualitative data analysis can feel overwhelming. We want to help researchers get started by both providing educational resources that teach the theory of qualitative data analysis, and by creating software to analyze qualitative data that makes it easy to apply that theory. Check out our Essential Guide to Qualitative Coding and our Practical Guide to Grounded Theory. We also offer a free online course on qualitative data analysis.

How does Delve allow me to find rigorous insights quickly?
Build confidence in your research with Delve’s AI Assistant
AI Chat acts as a virtual peer debriefer to review and discuss your findings. Engage with Delve’s AI to explore alternative perspectives, streamline coding iterations, and enrich your research process with interactive analysis.
The simple, intuitive interface streamlines your research analysis
This software to analyze qualitative data is ultra-simple to use and allows you to hyper-focus on qualitative analysis. The intuitive interface means you won't be struggling to learn how to use the tool. Instead, you'll be focused on finding accurate insights.
Delve’s flexible coding system evolves with how you find insights
Research analysis is an iterative and evolving process of finding, grouping, and refining themes. Delve’s analysis interface, with the ability to nest and merge codes, is flexible enough to adapt to your evolving insights.
Online qualitative research software, Delve, empowers you to find insights that are more representative and less biased.
Do your insights accurately represent all your participants? Or just a few? Delve can show you how representative your insights are.
Delve allows you to see data from different dimensions
By categorizing your quotes, you can look at your data according to code, pattern, demographic information, and more. You will see your data in new ways.
Delve helps you prove insights to clients, by putting every important quote at your fingertips.
Trace all your findings back to the raw data using Delve’s backlinks. You’ll always know which interviews your insights came from.
How is Delve better than other qualitative coding software?
Delve compared with other software for qualitative data analysis.

How do researchers use Delve qualitative analysis tool?
DonorsChoose researchers gain a deeper understanding of how teachers do end-of-year planning and uncover opportunities to help.
ADM Insights and Strategy
ADM Insights & Strategy researchers shave hours off their analysis time, and create powerful findings that enable client decision making.
What do researchers think of Delve?

“We both wanted software that was intuitive and user-friendly to code our dissertation research transcripts, and Delve is it!!”

Want to Learn More About Qualitative Data Analysis?
Take Delve's free online course to learn how to find themes and patterns in your qualitative data.
Or if you're teaching a class that involves qualitative data analysis, this is a great resource to provide to your students.

Get started with Delve
Delve is offered as a month-to-month subscription with a 14 day free trial.
You can see our pricing information here.
If you have questions about Delve, send us a message.