How To Do Process Coding
What is process coding?
With Process coding, you use codes to communicate an action in the data. Codes will typically be gerunds that end with “ing”. Process coding isn’t meant to be a standalone method of coding, but just one technique to use along with other coding techniques.
Process coding is helpful when you want to understand actions in the data. You can catalogue both observable activities (running, singing, eating), or conceptual actions (thriving, adapting, struggling).
When should I use process coding?
When studying rituals or habits of people
When researching a topic involving people reaching a goal or solving a problem
When capturing the sequence of events or steps
Process Coding Example
Here’s a transcript excerpt from when we interviewed a researcher about their research analysis process. Parts of the transcript have been edited for brevity.
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Try Delve, Software for Process Coding
Online software such as Delve can help streamline how you’re coding your qualitative coding. Try a free trial or request a demo of the Delve.
Saldaña, J. (2009). The coding manual for qualitative researchers. Sage Publications Ltd.
Cite this blog post:
Delve, Ho, L., & Limpaecher, A. (2020a, September 18). How To Do Process Coding